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AAV – General Meeting 2019

von Peter Scheller

The annual membership meeting of the Ausländischer Anwaltverein Deutschland e.V. (AAV) took place on 9 September 2019 in Zutphen, Netherlands. The board of the association informed the members that public interest in the association has increased since the new website is online. Inquiries from interested colleagues as well as from potential new clients have went up significantly. The members discussed the possibilities and measures needed to increase the association’s attractiveness.

Articles in the blog

By writing short articles in the association’s blog, members can present their key professional activities and expertise. This would also increase the attractiveness of the association. New content on a website enhances the awareness in search machines such as google. Furthermore members are able to use the blog for announcing events, seminars etc.

Interesting membership meetings

The members discussed possibilities to exploit the full potential of membership meetings. The following steps could be taken:

  • Members get the possibility to present themselves
  • Professional seminars of general interest
  • Workshops in regard to special legal topics
  • General platform for networking

Search for new members

New members will increase the attractiveness of the association. Therefore all members should contact colleagues who are suitable for and interested in the association.


The board will send a questionnaire to all members in order to determine their needs, interests and engagement.

All participants expressed their thanks to Sip van Dijk for his outstanding hospitality.

Author: Peter Scheller, www.scheller-international.com, on behalf of the board



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