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Our house in Spain in lockdown times

von María José García Garrido

In the last days we have noticed an increasing concern in friends and clients in relation to their properties situated at the Mediterranean cost of Spain. This concern affects clients with properties that are safely locked down and used for holidays or rented to third parties, and also clients with building projects who had to stop the works due to the current situation. In any case, we are talking about properties which accesses is not possible due to the general impossibility to travel and the general lockdown.

A lot of property owners may want to know if water has entered the property due to the strong rains, if the security system is still working correctly, etc. In summary, if everything is okay with their houses in Spain.

We have always recommended our clients to install security systems and cameras. Although the installation of security cameras my seem to be necessary only for Hotels and big houses, the truth is that this is very convenient for any type of house as they offer the possibility to see the house in real time through a mobile or computer app This way, the owners can have a look at the garden and the general state of their houses despite the distance.

The current situation also gives us the opportunity to think about where we want to live, what we need from our houses and what they should offer us. Our houses are now our intimate friends.

A lot of readers will think at this point that it is now too late to think about these kind of things and that these are good suggestions for the future because the current situation caught us all by surprise, where no one ever imagined this situation possible in all European countries where our mobility is restricted now.

All this makes us think about a service that our technical department has been offering for a long time to all clients who purchased a house or built one. We call this service the “Caretaker Service” and it consists in that one selected member of our team goes to the property to inspect the state and make photos and send them afterwards with a small report to the property owner by e-mail. This service can be used as many times as the clients want. Dies is an affordable service that brings calmness and is, therefore, perfect for situations like the present. This service can of course also be organized privately, where a good friend or neighbour goes to visit the house. In any case, both actions bring the house owners who cannot come personally, a lot of calmness.

Of course, this article has to mention as well that at the moment all our streets, main and second streets and the ones of the urbanizations, are kept under surveillance by the Local Police and Civil Protection, who are making an extraordinary job these days. Therefore, it is very complicated that something serious happens without the Police informing the house owners. The Police can also be called at any time if necessary.

At the moment we see an extraordinary solidarity between the citizen and neighbours who inform us daily about news and can be contacted if necessary. Until today, we have never seen such a kind solidarity. Until today we have never seen so many help. Our marvellous features are more visible every day.  


María José García Garrido
Abogada (Spanische Anwältin)


Kanzlei García-Garrido
Avda. del Pla 130, 1º piso, oficina 1.05
E-03730 Jávea (Prov. Alicante)
Tel. 0034 96 646 08 58
Tel. 0034 96 646 08 59
E.Mail: javea@garciagarrido.com
Internet: www.garciagarrido.com

Bildquelle: © Adobe Stock



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